"Doctor Pavel Traubner is a renowned Slovak neurologist. His life story reminds us what is the essence of a real true physician."
Portrait of the famous Slovak neurologist Pavel Traubner shows not only an exceptional neurologist who has helped thousands of his patients in a fundamental way, but also a person who believes deeply in the principles of humanism, tolerance. He's been always ready to show helping hand to anybody. But Mr. Traubner is also not indifferent to the negative things that happen in society and he is willing to fight against xenophobic and racist torrents. He has never forgotten that his own life as child was endangered by the Nazis and was saved thanks to the kindness and bravery of people. This has turned out to be an important lesson for his life.
Written and directed by David Mináč, Produced by Patrik Pašš, Trigon Production Ltd., Radio and Slovak Television (RTVS), Director of Photography Juraj Galvánek, Peter Zubaľ, Edited by Róbert Cuprík, Used Music Janusz Stokłosa, Music Databank, Sound Peter Németh, Starring Denisa Vyšňovská, Tomáš Halada.